As a public institution, the City University of New York relies on funding from New York State and New York City to finance its yearly budget. These budgets cover everything from building
The Lumina Foundation provided a $200,000 grant to the City University of New York (CUNY) in August to create teaching tools for the ethical use of generative artificial intelligence, to be published
MoreThe CUNY Rising Alliance (CRA) has been organizing around the New Deal for CUNY over the last semester. With the 2024-25 State Budget being continuously postponed from April 1st, supporters of CUNY
MoreOn March 20th in the Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library auditorium, QC SEEK screened “The Five Demands” — a documentary about the 1969 student protests at the City College of New York (CCNY)
MoreColumbia University and CUNY have launched a new joint fellowship open exclusively to CUNY students. The Columbia SPS CUNY Fellowship will provide full tuition coverage for six CUNY students in pursuit of
MoreYou may be aware of the Queens College administration, such as President Frank Wu, his cabinet, and the other administrative departments that are in charge of managing the individual operations of Queens
MoreEDITOR’S NOTE: Op-Eds detail the views of their writers and are not representative of the stance of the paper. Publication of Op-Eds is not tantamount to an endorsement of their content. Visiting
MoreAs the New York state budget approaches its approval date in April, the New Deal for CUNY bill is once again thrown into the spotlight. “For decades, CUNY has been underfunded, and