On Thursday, Nov. 14th, delegates from the Queens College Academic Senate assembled in lecture room 170 of Kiely Hall for a monthly review of curricular and departmental policies concerning the QC student
The storied halls of Queens College boasts a large variety of clubs and activities well suited towards a campus with such a diverse population of students, all with their own unique backgrounds
More“Whether you’re a club leader, traditional student, non traditional student, I hope you join Student Union, The Knight News, join clubs, be engaged, be active, it takes time but it’s worth it,”
MoreOn February 26, in celebration of Black History Month, Queens College presented “Reflections – In the Footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” a platform for students who took part in this
More“What do you want to be when you grow up?” was the question that guided The Women in Tech Club’s “A Day in the Life of a STEM Major” event on March
MoreOn a subway station, it is a typical sight to see people entering and leaving the platform. And with only a year and a half of President Trump’s first term completed, the
MoreOn March 7 during free hour, retired United States Navy SEAL Kristin Beck spoke to a crowd in the Summit Flex Space about her experiences as a transgender woman, with a message
MoreOn February 28, Queens College’s New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) gathered in Albany, NY for the Higher Education Action Day, along with 19 other SUNY and CUNY schools, to meet