On Thursday, Nov. 14th, delegates from the Queens College Academic Senate assembled in lecture room 170 of Kiely Hall for a monthly review of curricular and departmental policies concerning the QC student
Sami, a seven-year-old girl, lives with Fanconi Anemia, a blood disorder that affects one out of 350,000 people. If left untreated, it may cause bone marrow failure and some forms of cancer.
MoreEighteen models prepared to walk down a runway at Student Union ballroom for Delta Phi Epsilon’s fifth annual “Comfortable in Your Genes Fashion Show” for eating disorder awareness on March 8. It
On Feb. 23 Victory Media announced that CUNY is the first public university system of undergraduate colleges to be designated as “military friendly.” Victory Media is a major player in connecting the
MoreEarlier this year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposed executive budget included shifting nearly $500 million for CUNY from the state to the city. While the lawmakers in Albany must decide on
MoreOn Feb. 26, a score of college students from all over New York gathered in Albany to fight for affordable higher education on Higher Education Action Day. Higher Education Action Day is
MoreParticipatory budgeting first began in 1989 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Citizens voted on projects proposed by other residents. Projects with the most votes received funding. Since then, the practice was exported across