To all students questioning the value of their college degree, rest assured. It is projected that a college degree will reward a salary double that of a high school graduate. However, the
Many Queens College students wore purple in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Oct. 15 as they attended the “Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” ceremony in the purple-painted Rosenthal Library
On Sept. 29, Michael Cohen, a Queens College alum, returned to educate students on careers in the sports broadcasting field. Cohen grew up in Kew Gardens, N.Y. and attended Hillcrest High School
The Queens College Cross Country team hopes to finish this season stronger than their last where they were third overall in the East Coast Conference. This season’s roster is composed of eight
The number of students attending CUNY schools is growing to such high numbers that CUNY officials announced enrollment this year was the highest ever recorded. This is great news, right? More students
The events in Ferguson, Mo. – in which Darren Wilson, a white police officer shot Michael Brown, a young African American teen, to death – became a central theme in a discussion
With New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio agreeing on new contracts with city unions, professors in CUNY wonder when they are able to work out an agreement. Since no progress was