Captain Danny Stoker’s late game heroics was short-lived after NYIT tied the score of the regular season’s final game during its final seconds, ending the playoff hopes of the men’s soccer team
Students without Q-Cards have been blocked from entering the Benjamin Rosenthal Library since Oct. 1 switchover to the turnstile entrance system. Security at the library’s entrance will turn away students without Q-Cards
Throughout the semester, the Queens College chapter of the New York Public Interest Research Group registered 1,700 new voters out of the 30,000 the organization registered statewide. One of its biggest voter
Swings twirled around, students scrambled through blow up obstacle courses and giant hamster balls, with students inside, raced down a track as part of the Student Association’s Fall Fest. As the carnival
Suited up and sporting a buzz cut instead of the curly hair that made him famous, Jerry Seinfeld took to the Colden Auditorium stage with a roaring “This is where I started
The music blared while laughter and conversation filled the air as students, faculty and staff made their way to the Quad to take part in the historic 75th Anniversary photo that would
Dozens of students crowded the entrance of the Borough of Manhattan Community College on Oct. 15, as the New York Public Interest Research Group held a press conference that discussed the outrage