Directed by Justin Lin, the latest installment in the iconic street racing series delivers fans a high-speed adventure that’s literally out of this world, yet surprisingly down to Earth with its themes
New York State’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, a self-proclaimed champion of the #MeTOO movement has dug his own demise amid his imminent resignation, taking effect on August 24, 2021. This resignation stems from
Aug. 21st was a prime example of two boxers on two drastically different paths meeting at a crossroads. Manny Pacquiao, an absolute legend of the sport, was trying to make one last
The owner of the Queens College Confessions page, whose identity will remain private, recently spoke with The Knight News about the history of the account and the role it’s played in helping
We would hope that by now this pandemic would subside especially since the arrival of the vaccine. Unfortunately, even though most of us are mentally and physically exhausted the pandemic shows no
As Crank Palace is nearing its first anniversary since its release, any Maze Runner fan who has not read the novella should do so now. With this bittersweet novella, we can see
July 30th was the MLB’s trade deadline, and with it came league-shifting chaos. Some teams were looking to improve their team in the short run and there were other teams looking to