New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing a storm of criticism for not being transparent with the COVID-19 death toll in nursing homes across the state. This comes after New York
By: Avi Koenig WandaVision, the Disney+ creation of Marvel and Disney, centers around superheroes Wanda Maximoff and Vision as they adjust to their new lives in suburbia, pulling viewers in with twists
On February 18th, The Mars 2020 Mission is scheduled to plunge into the atmosphere of Mars and attempt a landing on the Jerezo Crater. The mission consists of the Perseverance Rover as
Zayn Malik was the first to leave One Direction to pursue a solo career in 2015. Since then, he has released two albums, Mind of Mine (2016) and Icarus Fall (2018). Zayn
Ready to make her mark in municipal politics is Latchmi Gopal, running for City Council out of the Bronx’s District 15. The Knight News sat down for an exclusive interview with Gopal,
During the first week of classes, hundreds of Queens College (QC) students found themselves scrambling to re-enroll in classes, after the Bursar’s office had manually removed them. On January 26th, approximately 355
The people of India are in the midst of a major crisis that is only continuing to get more international coverage by the day. Punjabi farmers have been conducting peaceful protests since