The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) started negotiating collective bargaining agreements for CUNY staff in 2000, but the most recent fight for higher adjunct professor salaries has been an uphill battle since 2017.
Students, professors, activists, religious organizations and labor groups rallied in front of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York City office March 10 to demand funding for CUNY. The rally featured the CUNY Rising
MoreEarlier this year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposed executive budget included shifting nearly $500 million for CUNY from the state to the city. While the lawmakers in Albany must decide on
MoreCUNY submitted a petition to the state’s Public Employment Relations Board calling for a mediator after it could not reach a contract with the Professional Staff Congress. The PSC, the union representing more
MoreThe Professional Staff Congress increased pressure on CUNY in past month for a new contract and intended to continue with its strategy. On Nov. 4, the PSC, the union representing more than
MoreThe last time CUNY faculty and staff worked with a contract? 2010. The last time they saw a pay raise? 2009. After another year without progress in contract negotiations, the Professional Staff
MoreAll employees of CUNY, from professors to staff members, are still working without a contract as negotiations continue to stall. The last contract was conceived in 2006 and lasted until 2010. CUNY
MoreWith New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio agreeing on new contracts with city unions, professors in CUNY wonder when they are able to work out an agreement. Since no progress was