After a year-long hiatus, Netflix’s hit TV show The Umbrella Academy debuted its second season in July. The first season, which came out in 2019, followed the six members of The Umbrella
After a year-long hiatus, Netflix’s hit TV show The Umbrella Academy debuted its second season in July. The first season, which came out in 2019, followed the six members of The Umbrella
MoreThere are more than 120,000 child soldiers under the age of 17 enlisted in rebel and government fighting forces in West Africa. Americans may ignore that fact. They may even feel surprised
MoreHalloween may be over, but Roman Polanski’s “Rosemary’s Baby” is still an excellent horror film to watch for scares. This film, released in 1968, is a masterful horror film as the terror comes
More“Mistress America” is a hilarious and clever film, but shows a profound message about finding one’s place in a wild, hectic world and coming to terms with compromise. The film contains sharp
MoreFifty Shades of Grey opened on Valentine’s Day weekend and despite being number one at the box office and grossing over $85,000,000, the wildly talked about film fell short of its sexually charged appeal